1974年成立于美国的Solid Gold素力高,在美畅销49年,于2021年被H&H(健合)集团收购,同年深圳天秤实业有限公司拿到健合集团官方素力高授权,成为素力高在中国一级经销商 ,经深圳天秤推广销售,年均经销额为5000万以上
Solid Gold of the United States, founded in 1974, best seller in the United States for 49 years, was acquired by H & H (Jianhe) Group in 2021, the same year Shenzhen Libra Industry Co., Ltd. was acquired by Healthy Harmony Group official Solid Gold, as the leading distributor in China! Through the promotion and sales of Shenzhen Libra Industry Co., Ltd. authorized to become Solid Gold, average annual sales volume of more than 50 million!